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Presidency meeting 25-27 April 2023

25 - 27 April 2023

Presidency meeting 25-27 April 2023, Chamonix, France


The first UEF Presidency meeting in person for the year 2023 took place in Chamonix on 26th of April.

The Presidency members discussed their work for the forthcomming part of the year.

The position of UEF on the Discussion about inclusion of Forestry into EU competence and what is the best instrument to get a more balanced competence within the European Commission was an important topic in the agenda.

The applications for membership were also discussed. UEF has sent an application for the new EU-forestry-stakeholder group, and a French Foresters Association has applied for a UEF membership.

Several position papers were presented as well – joint paper on the EU Restoration Law; a paper prepared by SEPI on the Circular Economy; Positon on the EU carbon removal, prepared by EUSTAFOR; the published CNF Guidelines – Boreal Region.

Presidency members discussed their participation in forthcoming events too.

UEF President Michael Diemer will participate in the EFI-Workshop 06.06.2023 Bonn, while Tomasz Markiewicz will take part in the next Forest Europe Expert Level meeting (ELM) which will be held in person on 21 and 22 June.

Important topic was the preparation of the next UEF GCM in Sweden that will be organised in the begining of September.

The UEF Presidency

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