UEF Management | UEF Structure | External Representation

UEF is represented by a presidency, consisting of president, three vice presidents, secretary, assistant secretary and treasurer. Actual Presidency Structure is as follows:
The UEF Presidency for the period 2021 - 2025

From left to right: I. Puputti (Finland), A. Petrakieva (Bulgaria), T. Baschny (Austria), T. Markiewicz (Poland), M. Gustafsson (Sweden), François-Xavier Nicot (France) and H. Jacobs (Germany)
PresidentTomasz Markiewicz, Poland
 Email: tomasz.markiewicz[at]poznan.lasy.gov.pl
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: Coordination and management, Forest Europe, Educational matters and exchange facilities
Vice PresidentsAnna Petrakieva, Bulgaria
 Email: anpetrakieva[at]gmail.com
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: Homepage and homepage publishing, new member activities
Ilpo Puputti, Finland
 Email: ilpo.puputti[at]luva.fi
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: UNECE-FAO, COFO FAO, Multi Stakeholder platform on restoring the world´s forests
Hans Jacobs, Germany
 Email: jacobs[at]sh.oejv.de
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: Forest matters at EU level
SecretaryThomas Baschny, Austria
 Email: thomas.baschny[at]bmlrt.gv.at
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: UNECE-FAO-FCN, Secretary tasks
Assistant SecretaryMårten Gustafsson , Sweden
 Email: marten.gustavsson[at]mellanskog.se
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: EG F-BI, Secretary tasks, Framework for member informations, Framework for informations
TreasurerFrançois-Xavier Nicot, France
 Email: francois-xavier.nicot[at]onf.fr
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: Treasurer duties, accounts, financing matters, legal entity in Belgium
AuditorsLars Delfs Mortensen Mortensen, Denmark
 Email: larsdelfs[at]gmail.com
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: Certify the UEF accounts
Beate Hasspacher, Switzerland
 Email: beate.hasspacher[at]sia-wald.ch
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'
 Responsibilities: Certify the UEF accounts
UEF representativeDr Daniele Gambetti , Italy
 Email: daniele.gambetti[at]conaf.it
 *replace 'at' and brackets with '@'