Members | How to become Member

The following persons are registered in the UEF database:

Some persons will appear twice or more, because they hold more than one position in their organisation

MembersWeb site
Shoqata Shqiptare e Specialisteve te Pyjeve Shoqata Shqiptare e Specialisteve te Pyjeve
 Kole Malaj
 Address: , Tirana
 Email: kmalaj(a t]
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Verband Österreichischer Förster und Försterinnen Verband Österreichischer Förster und Försterinnen
Web site of Verband Österreichischer Förster und Försterinnen
 Thomas Baschny
 Address: Schulgasse 22, A-7063 Oggau
 Phone: (+43) 6646 112 808 or (+43) 1711 007 321
 Fax: (+43) 1711 007 399
 Email: thomas.baschny(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Secretary
 Resposibilities in UEF: UNECE-FAO-FCN, Secretary tasks
Association des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts et Universitaires de la Division de la Nature et des Forêts Association des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts et Universitaires de la Division de la Nature et des Forêts
Web site of Association des Ingénieurs des Eaux et Forêts et Universitaires de la Division de la Nature et des Forêts
 Christian Laurent
 Address: Avenue Marvel, 26B- 5032, Corroy-le-Chateau
 Phone: (+32) 81 33 58 42
 Fax: (+32) 82 33 58 11
 Email: christian.laurent(a t]
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Union of Bulgarian Foresters Union of Bulgarian Foresters
Web site of Union of Bulgarian Foresters
 Prof. Ivan Paligorov
 Address: Antim I 17, Sofia
 Phone: or (+359) 2 981 86 32
 Email: ipaligorov(a t]
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 Anna Petrakieva
 Vice President
 Address: Antim I № 17, 1040 Sofia
 Phone: (+359) 886 834 165 or (+359) 2 987 97 92
 Email: anpetrakieva(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Vice President
 Resposibilities in UEF: Homepage and homepage publishing, new member activities
 Boris Gospodinov
 Vice President
 Address: Antim I str 17, 1303 Sofia
 Phone: (+359) 2 981 86 32
 Email: bbgospod(a t]
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 Sevdalina Dimitrova
 Vice President
 Address: ,
 Phone: (+359) 82 821 706
 Email: sevdalina.dimitrova(a t]
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Union of Independent Bulgarian Professional Foresters Union of Independent Bulgarian Professional Foresters
Web site of Union of Independent Bulgarian Professional Foresters
 Antony Stefanov
 Address: 76-A, Sredna gora str., 1303 Sofia
 Phone: (+359) 2 986 70 02 or (+359) 2 952 11 35
 Fax: (+359) 2 986 67 81
 Email: stefanovantony(a t]
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Hrvatski Sindikat Sumarstva Hrvatski Sindikat Sumarstva
Web site of Hrvatski Sindikat Sumarstva
 Željko Kalauz
 Address: ,
 Phone: (+385)01 46 55 016
Cyprus Foresters Association Cyprus Foresters Association
Web site of Cyprus Foresters Association
 Marios Christodoulou
 Address: 5a Anaximandrou str. Nea Ekali, CY-3113 Lemesos
 Phone: (+357) 25 33 29 68 or (+357) 99 61 90 36
 Fax: (+357) 25 92 32 22
 Email: diofanto(a t]
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 Christodoulos A. Christodoulou
 Address: Timoleonta No.4, 4152 Kato Polemidia Lemesos
 Phone: (+357) 25 398890 or (+357) 99 400988
 Fax: (+357) 25 398890
 Email: laona1967(a t]
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Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters
Web site of Cyprus Association of Professional Foresters
 Nicolas-George Eliades
 Address: 4 Navarinou str., 1100, Nicosia
 Phone: (+357) 22459003
 Fax: (+357) 22303830
 Email: info.capf(a t]
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 Petros Anayiotos
 Vice President
 Address: Game and Fauna Service, Ministry of Interior, 1453, Nicosia
 Phone: or (+357) 22662428
 Fax: (+357) 22662495
 Email: petros.anayiotos(a t]
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 Kyriacos Pitharides
 Exchange responsible person
 Address: Agias Irenes 12, 1100 Nicosia
 Phone: (+357) 22449297
 Fax: (+357)22303830
 Email: info.capf(a t]
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 Andreas Kyprianou
 Address: 4 Navarinou str., 1100 Nicosia
 Phone: (+357) 22459003
 Fax: (+357) 22303830
 Email: info.capf(a t]
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 Evangelos Andreou
 Address: 4 Navarinou str., 1100, Nicosia
 Phone: (+357) 99832556
 Fax: (+357) 22303830
 Email: e406andreou(a t]
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Ceska lesnicka společnost Czech Forestry Society CFS Ceska lesnicka společnost Czech Forestry Society CFS
Czech Republic
Web site of Ceska lesnicka společnost Czech Forestry Society CFS
 Martin Polívka
 Address: Česká lesnická společnost, z. s.Novotného lávka 200/5, Praha 1, Czech Republic,
 Phone: or +420 723 399 475
 Email: cesles(a t]
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 Jakub Brichta
 Address: , 116 68 Praha 1
 Phone: +420 723 399 475
 Email: tajemnik(a t]
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Danske Forstkandidaters Forening – network in JA Danske Forstkandidaters Forening – network in JA
Web site of Danske Forstkandidaters Forening – network in JA
 Christina Kjærby
 Address: Gl. Landevej 48, DK, Denmark, 9990 Skagen
 Phone: +45 2161 83 01 or +45 6069 3302
 Email: ckjaerby(a t]
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 Cathrine Steffy Pater
 UEF contact person
 Address: ,
Foreningen af Danske Skov- og Landskabsingeniører og Have- og Parkingeniører Foreningen af Danske Skov- og Landskabsingeniører og Have- og Parkingeniører
Web site of Foreningen af Danske Skov- og Landskabsingeniører og Have- og Parkingeniører
 Henrik Steffensen Bach
 Address: Ljørringevej 52, 7400 Herning, 7400 Herning
 Phone: (+45) 97 47 19 96
 Email: formand(a t]
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 Lars Delfs Mortensen Mortensen
 Vice President
 Address: Vester Alle 7, 9500 Hobro,
 Phone: +(45) 25202269
 Email: larsdelfs(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Auditor
 Resposibilities in UEF: Certify the UEF accounts
METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry
Web site of METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry
 Stefan Borgman
 Address: , Helsinki
 Phone: +358 40 1588815
 Email: stefan.borgman(a t]
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 Ilpo Puputti
 Vice President
 Address: Hietalahdenkatu 8 A, 00180 Helsinki
 Phone: (+358) 400 620 769 or (+358) 400 620 769
 Fax: (+358) 9 6126 5530
 Email: ilpo.puputti(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Vice President
 Resposibilities in UEF: UNECE-FAO, COFO FAO, Multi Stakeholder platform on restoring the world´s forests
Loimu ry - Finnish Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences Loimu ry - Finnish Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences
Web site of Loimu ry - Finnish Union of Professionals in Natural, Environmental and Forestry Sciences
 Jukka Sippola
 Address: Mikonkatu 8 A, 8. krs, 00100, Helsinki
 Phone: +395 (09) 62268 541
 Email: jukka.sippola(a t]
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Professional Union of French Chartered Foresters Professional Union of French Chartered Foresters
Web site of Professional Union of French Chartered Foresters
 Sebastien CHATON
 Address: ,
 Email: compagnie(a t]
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 Alexia Huet
 General Secretary
 Address: 6-8, rue Chardin - 75016 PARIS, Paris
 Email: a.huet(a t]
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Environnement Forêt et Agriculture- Confédération Générale des Cadres Environnement Forêt et Agriculture- Confédération Générale des Cadres
Web site of Environnement Forêt et Agriculture- Confédération Générale des Cadres
 Valérie Boye
 Address: , Epinal
 Email: valerie.boye(a t]
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 François-Xavier Nicot
 UEF representative
 Address: F - 38 La Verpillière,
 Email: francois-xavier.nicot(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Treasurer
 Resposibilities in UEF: Treasurer duties, accounts, financing matters, legal entity in Belgium
 Gilles Van Peteghem
 UEF representative
 Address: 15, rue de la République, 28000 Chartres
 Phone: (+33) 603 920 811
 Email: gilles.vanpeteghem(a t]
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 François Clauce
 UEF representative
 Address: Amiens,
 Phone: (+33) 685 193 715
 Email: francois.clauce(a t]
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 Hervé Némoz-Rajot
 Address: 134 rue dItalie, F-38110 La Tour du Pin
 Phone: (+33) 615 775 031 or (+33) 474 97 60 57
 Fax: (+33) 472 601 199
 Email: t]
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Bund Deutscher Forstleute Bund Deutscher Forstleute
Web site of Bund Deutscher Forstleute
 Ulrich Dohle
 Address: Forsthaus 1, D - Kaarz 19412
 Phone: (+49) 038483-20034 or 4903848320034
 Fax: +49 038483-20084
 Email: ulrich.dohle(a t]
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 Michael Diemer
 UEF contact person
 Address: Reiterweg 12, D - 56290 Uhler
 Phone: (+49) 6762 4085 11 or (+49) 6762 9505 28
 Fax: (+49) 6762 4085 10
 Email: diemer-bell(a t]
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 Hans Jacobs
 UEF representative
 Address: ,
 Email: jacobs(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Vice President
 Resposibilities in UEF: Forest matters at EU level
 Ines von Keller
 Address: BundesgeschäftsstelleFriedrichstr. 169/170, D - 10117 Berlin
 Phone: (+49) 30 4081 6700
 Fax: (+49) 30 4081 6710
 Email: uef(a t]
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Society of Irish Foresters Society of Irish Foresters
Web site of Society of Irish Foresters
 Pacelli Breathnach
 Address: Society of Irish ForestersGlenealy, Co Wicklow,
 Email: sif(a t]
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 Tony Mannion
 Address: Society of Irish ForestersEnterprise Centre, Ballintogher Co Sligo
 Phone: (+353) 71 9164434 or (+353) 71 9134904
 Email: info(a t]
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Consiglio Dell Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali Consiglio Dell Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali
Web site of Consiglio Dell Ordine Nazionale dei Dottori Agronomi e dei Dottori Forestali
 Dr Mauro Uniformi
 Address: Via Po, 22 00198 Roma, Roma
 Phone: +39 06.8540174
 Email: presidente(a t]
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 Dr Daniele Gambetti
 Address: Via Po, 22 00198 Roma, Roma,
 Phone: +39 3355978480
 Email: daniele.gambetti(a t]
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 Position in UEF: UEF representative
 Resposibilities in UEF:
Liechtensteiner Forstverein (Sektion Förster) Liechtensteiner Forstverein (Sektion Förster)
Web site of Liechtensteiner Forstverein (Sektion Förster)
 Peter Jaeger
 Address: Unterberg 8, FL-9493 Mauren
 Phone: (+423) 373 70 3 or (+423) 792 22 45
 Fax: (+423) 373 70 31
 Email: peter.jaeger(a t]
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 Hermann Schmuck
 Head of office
 Address: Amt für Wald, Natur und LandschaftDr. Grass-Strasse 12, FL-9490 Vaduz
 Phone: (+423) 236 64 19 or (+423) 236 64 00
 Fax: (+423) 236 64 11
 Email: hermann.schmuck(a t]
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Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois
Web site of Association des Forestiers Luxembourgeois
 Address: Burfelt 1, L-9660 INSENBORN,
 Phone: +352 621 202 124
 Email: t]
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 Frank Adam
 Address: 7, rue de Dillingen, L-6360 GRUNDHOF,
 Phone: +352 621 202 158
 Email: frank.adam(a t]
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Federatiei Sindicatelor din Silvicultura Sindsilva din republica Moldova Federatiei Sindicatelor din Silvicultura Sindsilva din republica Moldova
Web site of Federatiei Sindicatelor din Silvicultura Sindsilva din republica Moldova
 Fiodor Botnari
 Address: Republica Moldova, mun. Chisinau, MD-2012, str. 31 August, 129, Chisinau
 Phone: (+373 22) 27-79-41
 Email: sindsilvamd(a t]
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 Ludmila Nagrudnii
 Head of office
 Address: Bd. Stefan Cel Mare Si Sfant, No. 124, 2001, Chisinau
 Phone: (+373) 22 27 79 41
 Fax: (+373) 22 27 47 36
 Email: nagrudnii_ludmila(a t]
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Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa
Web site of Stowarzyszenie Inzynierow i Technikow Lesnictwa i Drzewnictwa
 Dr Andrzej Kundzewicz
 Address: ,
 Email: andrzej.kundzewicz(a t]
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 Piotr Grygier
 Member of The Board Presidium
 Address: Regionalna Dyrekcja Lasów Pañstwowychul. Gajowa 10, 60-959 Poznan
 Phone: (+48) 618 474 818 or (+48) 606 784 845
 Fax: (+48) 618 472 869
 Email: t]
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 Jerzy Grynkiewicz
 General Secretary
 Address: SITLiDCzackiego 3/5, PL 00-043 Warszawa
 Phone: (+48) 22 826 74 58 or (+48) 22 826 74 58
 Email: sitlid(a t]
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 Tomasz Markiewicz
 UEF contact person
 Address: , Poznan
 Phone: (+48) 694 447 474
 Email: tomasz.markiewicz(a t]
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 Position in UEF: President
 Resposibilities in UEF: Coordination and management, Forest Europe, Educational matters and exchange facilities
 Piotr Paschalis-Jakubowic
 Address: ZG SITLiDul. Czackiego 3/5, 00-043 Warszawa
 Phone: (+48) 22 826 74 58 or (+48) 22 826 74 58
 Email: piotr.paschalis(a t]
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Asociación de Forestales de España Asociación de Forestales de España
Web site of Asociación de Forestales de España
 Elias Bayarri
 Address: E.U.I.T. ForestalAvda. Ramiro de Maeztu s/n, 28040 Madrid
 Phone: +34983362847 or +34690760861
 Fax: +34983362848
 Email: presidencia(a t]
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 Eduardo Tolosana
 Head of office
 Address: E.T.S.I MontesPolitechnic University of MadridCiudad Universitaria s/n, E-28040 Madrid
 Phone: (+34) 91 336 50 31 or (+34) 67 845 94 66
 Fax: (+34) 91 543 95 57
 Email: eduardo.tolosana(a t]
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Sveriges Skogstjänstmannaförening Sveriges Skogstjänstmannaförening
Web site of Sveriges Skogstjänstmannaförening
 Thomas Esbjörnsson
 Address: Vintergatan 4D, S-891 36 Örnsköldsvik,
 Phone: (+46) 70 550 8235 or (+46) 10 544 9975
 Email: thomas.esbjornsson(a t]
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 Mårten Gustafsson
 UEF contact person
 Address: Munktorp Ekeby 9, S-73191 Köping, Köping
 Phone: or (+46) 70 3401892
 Email: marten.gustavsson(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Assistant Secretary
 Resposibilities in UEF: EG F-BI, Secretary tasks, Framework for member informations, Framework for informations
Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein - Fachverein Wald Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein - Fachverein Wald
Web site of Schweizerischer Ingenieur- und Architekten-Verein - Fachverein Wald
 Beate Hasspacher
 Managing Committee
 Address: c/o Hasspacher - Iseli GmbH, Hauptgasse 25, CH-4600 Olten, CH-4600 Olten
 Phone: (+41) 62 212 82 81
 Email: beate.hasspacher(a t]
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 Position in UEF: Auditor
 Resposibilities in UEF: Certify the UEF accounts
 Ibrahim Mohammed
 UEF contact person
 Address: CHN G78Universitätstrasse 16CH-8092 Zürich, Zürich
 Phone: +41 44 632 31 99
 Email: mohammed.ibrahim(a t]
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Orman Mühendisleri Odasi -  Chamber of forest engineers Orman Mühendisleri Odasi - Chamber of forest engineers
Web site of Orman Mühendisleri Odasi -  Chamber of forest engineers
 Hassan Türkyilmaz
 Address: ,
 Email: ormuh(a t]
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 Mehmet Üstünyer
 General Secretary
 Address: ,
 Email: ormuh(a t]
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 Ismail Belen
 Exchange responsible person
 Address: ,
 Email: ismailbelen52(a t]
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