XVIII Congress 2013 Saariselkä, Finland
27 - 31 August 2013
Program | Agenda | Minutes | Documents | Photos
Opening of the Congress
Roll call of delegates and approval of the list of delegates
Announcement of the numbers of members present and entitled to vote
Election of the President of Congress and his or her deputy
Election of two minute takers, who shall also count the votes
Agenda and election rules
Adoption of the agenda
Adoption of the election rules
Presidency Report
Presidency report for 2009-2013
Auditors’ report on final audits
Discharge of the Presidency
Motions put forward by the member organizations
- each accompanied by a statement from the Presidency
UEF’s action plan for the new term
(the proposal of the outgoing Presidency)
budget guidelines for the coming four fiscal years
- including changes of the fees
- rules for reduced member fees
approval of budget for the next fiscal year
Elections (+presentation of candidates)
Election of the President
Election of the three Vice Presidents
Eelection of the Secretary and Assistant Secretary
Election of the Treasurer
Election of two auditors and two deputy auditors
Application for new membership
Czech Forestry Society
Proposals of next meetings
Governing Council Meetings 2014 and 2015
UEF XIXth Congress 2017
Official closing of the XVIII UEF Congress
Archive List:
- XX Congress 2021 Chartres, France
- XIX Congress 2017 in Mainz, Germany
- XVII Congress 2009 Jedlnia Poland
- XVI Congress 2005 Freising, Germany
- XV Congress 2001 Pitesti, Romania
- XIV Congress 1998 Punkaharju, Finland
- XIII Congress 1995 Gdansk, Poland
- XII Congress 1992 Florence and Rome, Italy
- XI Congress 1988 Nîmes and Nancy, France
- X Congress 1985 Athens, Greece
- IX Congress 1982 Edinburgh, Scotland UK
- VIII Congress 1979 Freiburg, Germany
- VII Congress 1976 Wageningen, Netherland
- VI Congress 1973 Florence and Roma, Italy
- V Congress 1970 Helsingör, Denmark
- IV Congress 1967 Paris, France
- III Congress 1965 Essen and Berlin, Germany
- II Congress 1962 Silkeborg, Denmark
- I Congress 1958 Brussels, Belgium