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A fruitful XXII UEF Governing Council Meeting in Switzerland!

Saturday, June 22 , 2019 6459

The Swiss member of the Union of European Foresters, FVW/SSF organized a sucessful and fruitful XXII Governing Council Meeting in Maienfeld, the Heidi's village in the Canton of Graubünden, not far from the Liechstenstein border.


On Thursday 13 June, the participants from 17 countries arrived in Maienfeld, in the educational centre for Forest, Wood, Construction and Design ibW of South East Switzerland where the delegates were accomodated.
A visit of the school was organized during the GCM, including the new design centre in the former Town hall of Maienfeld in the village.


On Friday 14 June, an International seminar about "Innovation in times of climate changes" was very successfully organized. 
Please have a look at our news about it using this link:

After the seminar, the delegates enjoyed a "waldfondue" in open air, in the Swiss mountains, in Fläsh Alps.


On Saturday 15 June morning, the Governing Council Meeting of the UEF took place.

The President of UEF Michael Diemer was happy to welcome again delegates from Liechtenstein and Albania, including the president of the Albanian member of UEF, Kole Malay and to present new participants from Ukraine and North Macedonia, who participated for the first time in UEF, as observers.

Then Tomasz Markiewicz, Ilpo Puputti, Marten Gustafsson and Thomas Baschny presented the activities of the Presidency on EU level in details, including meetings and projects, from last GCM in Cosenza Italy 2018.

Hervé Némoz-Rajot presented the situation about communication and the UEF web site. The financial situation including budget 2019 and 2020 was presented by Anna Petrakieva and adopted by the GCM. The two auditors also presented their report about accounts.
You can download the attached  presentations from the members of the Presidency.

The delegated in the GCM decided to register UEF as a legal entity in Belgium, according to the new Belgian law about NGOs before the end of the year .

Near the end of the meeting an important UEF position paper was unanimously adopted: "Midterm-review of the EU Forest Strategy shows urgent need of coherence and coordination!".

Please use this link for more information:


Then our Polish colleagues presented our next UEF GCM in the Poznan region, North West part of Poland in September 2020.

And the French delegation gave some more information about the UEF Congress 2021 in June in Chartres, not far from Paris region.


At the end of the fruitful and busy GCM, the President Michael Diemer was happy to offer Beate Hasspacher and Ruedi Iseli, our Swiss delegates and hosts in Maienfeld, the UEF honorofic diploma for active particpation for more than10 years in UEF meetings.

He thanked a lot to our Swiss hosts for the warm welcoming and the absolute success of this first meeting of UEF in Switzerland, waiting for other meetings soon in this beautiful country.


During the afternoon, a field tour in the Alps around Maienfeld was offered. Our guides Samuel Zürcher, Lukas Glanzmann and Jean-Jacques Thormann helped us to understand in a better way the mountain forest management.

In the evening, the winery of Pola in Maienfeld welcomed the traditionnal farewell diner in  a very friendly way.

Every delegation used this oportunity to thank warmly our Swiss hosts, including Olaf Zieschang, Beat Philipp, Beate Hasspacher, Ruedi Iseli and all the members of the organization comitee.



The UEF Presidency

Photos: HNR and Boris Gospodinov


More photos using this link:,7



Related documents:
1 Activity Report-2019.pdf
2 UEF GMC report F BI EG F o C mårten 2019.pdf
3 Activity Report UNECE_FAO IP maienfeld 2019.pdf
4 Activity Report_TM.pdf
5 Activity Report Baschny 2019.pdf
6 UEF-Meetings-Projects-2019-f.pdf
7 Com report Maienfeld 2019 final HNR.pdf
8 Legal entity-2019 rv.pdf
12 XXIII UEF Governing Council Meeting in POLAND v
13 Présentation France Congrès 2021 Juin 2019.pdf

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