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Successful Forest Pedagogics Congress in Latvia!

Friday, July 12 , 2019 4284

The XIV International Forest Pedagogics Congress took place from 1st to 4th of July 2019 in Riga under the title “Designing Bridges between Forest and Schools in Latvia”.
More than 160 participants from 18 European Countries attended the meeting. The first evening started with an excursion to the Baltic see near Riga and welcome dinner on the Baltic beach hosted by JSC (“Latvia´s State Forests”).
The following day was dedicated to the Key-note speeches and Workshops under the Congress title. Participants were able to share a lot of knowlege, experience and good ideas. In the evening the hosts offered activities for all senses in the Riga Botanical garden.
On the 3rd day and excursion to LVM Nature Park in Tervete took place. The activities started indoor with presentations about the future schools and forests – creating bridges for the next generations and were followed by a lot of outdoor activities in the Nature Park. In the end, after the official closing ceremony of the Congress, outside on the central stage of the park, all participants had the possibility to admire a cultural activities and Latvian folk music.
All participants (Foresters and Pedagogues) there were deeply impressed by the Congress and from its results.
The 15th International FP Congress will take place in Luxembourg from 11th to 15th of May 2020 in Wiewesch nearby Schengen.
From the UEF Presidency Anna Petrakieva (BG) and Thomas Baschny (A) attended the meeting with a big Bulgarian Forester delegation.


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