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A successful International UEF seminar in Switzerland in Maienfeld-CH 14 June 2019

Friday, June 21 , 2019 4354


Included in the program of the XXIInd Governing Council Meeting of UEF in Maienfeld - Switzerland, the Swiss member of UEF, FVW/SSF organized an interesting International seminar about "Innovation in the forest in times of climate change".on 14th of June 2019.

The Educational Center for Forest, Wood, Construction and Design, ibW forest school of South East Switzerland in Maienfeld welcomed the seminar.


After some words from Mr.Michael Diemer, President of UEF, Mr.Josef Hess, PhD, President of Swiss Conference for Forest, Wildlife and Landscape (KWL), Vice President of the Government Council of the Canton of Obwalden and Head of the Cantonal Office of Building and Spatial Development, introduced the topic with a detailed presentation about the situation and actions in Switzerland as well as in his Canton.


Mr.Beat Philipp, director of Forestry programme, Higher Vocational Training College of South-East Switzerland (ibW), Maienfeld, presented then some really up to date knowledge about the topic and then moderated all the seminar.


The UEF members shortly presented  a concrete question related to the topic of the seminar:  "The challenge of climate change in the countries of Europe - the problems". 17 national presentations were delivered to the numerous participants, from Switzerland and 16 other countries: Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Liechstenstein, North Macedonia, Poland, Sweden,Turkey and Ukraine.


Mr.Jean-Philippe Haggman, lnnosuisse-Swiss Innovation Agency, Higher Vocational Training College of South-East Switzerland (ibW), gave participants a really nice overview about what innovation is, including concrete methods of innovative brain storming. He moderated the whole workshop, with the help of Mr.Cla Tschenett, director of Product Design programme, Higher Vocational Training College of South-East Switzerland (ibW), Maienfeld.


Then the participants chose 6 questions to study, using innovative methods, during busy workshops.

A detailed feedback was offered to the participants by themselves, stressing some really interesting new approaches and ideas about the topic.

Concluding the seminar, Mr.Reto Hefti, Graubünden Cantonal Forester, in Chur came back to the reality of Graubünden forests, presenting "Graubünden’s climate strategy with particular regard to natural hazard".

And Prof. Harald Bugmann, PhD, from ETH Zürich, Department of Environmental Sciences, Institute of Terrestrial Ecosystems, closed the seminar in a short and very efficient presentation about "How much innovation will be required to address the problem of climate change in the forest?". He concluded in an optimistic way: Nature is strong and climate change also offers some opportunities and not only problems.

You can download the presentations, attached.


Michael Diemer offered the speakers the "UEF History book", thanking all the participants a lot for their fruitful all day long cooperation.


The UEF Presidency

Photos: HNR



Related documents:
Bugmann_CC_and_forest_innovation UEF June 2019.pdf

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