XIX UEF Governing Council Meeting in Ustroń-Jaszowiec, Poland
Wednesday, September 09 , 2015 8091
The UEF Polish member Stowarzyszenie Inżynierów i Techników Leśnictwa i Drzewnictwa (SITLiD) has perfectly organized the XIX UEF Governing Council Meeting, in Ustroń-Jaszowiec, Poland, from 3 to 6 September 2015.
Various Polish speakers, Robert Flies from the European Commission and five European foresters comming from France, Germany, Bulgaria, Austria and Czech Republic presented the experience of their countries about “The Forestry Economy in the Mountains and on the Industrialized Areas” at the International seminar that was organized in the morning of 4 September.
The participants could also shared their opinions and knowledges about these issues.
In the afternoon, the UEF XIX GCM allowed the delegates from 14 member associations, from 12 countries to debate and decide about the current issues on the European forests and policies.
The Agenda of the GCM was as follows:
1. Opening of the meeting (President)
2. Role call of delegates and announcement of the number of members present and entitled to vote (Secretary and the treasurer)
3. Adoption of the Agenda (Secretary)
4. Report from the Presidency and Work plans for 2015/16 (Presidency members.)
4.1 Matters on the EU and European level
- Civil Dialogue Group (CDG) on Forestry and Cork
- Expert Group on Forest Based Industry (FBI)
- Workgroup on SFM Criteria
- Forest Europe Process and Negotiations about a Legally Binding Agreement for Europe
- Forest Communicators Network
4.2 Reports about UEF´s activities
- Forestry Workcamp - UEF meetings and other UEF projects - Homepage and Information - Sleeping and new members activities
5. Auditors report 2014 (Auditors)
6. Treasurers economical report
7. Next GCM
8. Miscellaneous
9. Concluding of the UEF Governing Council Meeting 2015 (President)
On Saturday 5 September, a nice and varied excursion day offered the participants the opportunity to discover:
The Forest Ecological Center in Jankowice and pen for european bisons; The Guido mine; The Abbey of the Cistercians in Rudy; The forest after the blaze from 1992: regeneration, reclaim and management and the nursery in Nedza: production of forest plants, the micorhiza laboratory.
During the day, a UEF tree was planted and a monument was launched to commemorate the UEF GCM.
A ceremony on the memory of two firemen killed during the 1992 forest fire joined all the participants and their Polish guests.
The next UEF GCM will be organized next year in September 2016 by DSL in Denmark, not far from Copenhagen.
More information about the GCM, documents and photos can be found at

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