Aims of UEF | Activities of UEF | Constitution of UEF | UEF Contacts

Aims of UEF

General Information

UEF is a federation of professional foresters organizations from several European countries.

She was created in 1965 in Berlin and groups together today 25 associations from 21 countries (Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany,  Ireland, Italy, Leichtenstein, Luxembourg, Moldavia, Poland, Spain, Sweden,  Switzerland and Turkey). In total she represents some 85.000 foresters of all ranks working for different kind of forest owners (state, community, private).

UEF is represented by a presidency, consisting of a president, 3 vicepresidents, a secretary, an assistant secretary  and a treasurer. The presidency forms part of the Governing Council, UEF's supreme authority, which is further composed of one representative of each member-association. A UEF-congress is held every four years. The Presidency and the Governing Council meet   in between. Since September 2017 the Presidency is composed as follows:

  • president: Michael Diemer  (Germany)
  • vice-presidents: Herve Nemoz-Rajot (France), Ilpo Puputti (Finland) and Tomasz Markievicz (Poland)
  • secretary: Thomas Baschny (Austria)
  • assistant secretary: Marten Gustafsson (Sweden)
  • treasurer: Anna Petrakieva (Bulgaria)


The aims of UEF are:

  • to contribute to reveal the essential role of forests in the balance of nature and the protection of the environment as well as the importance of the economic and social role of forests,
  • to defend and promote within the European framework the professional, ethical, and material interests of the associations and their members to take any favourable opportunity to improve the position of foresters within Europe .

In pursuing these aims, UEF refrains from any philosophical, political or religious considerations.


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