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FAO guidance on developing forest education programmes for primary schools

Monday, December 04 , 2023 1834

In recent years, international forums have expressed concern that, in most countries, forest-related education is insufficient and outdated. The net result is a lack of awareness and understanding among people of all ages of the importance of forests. Equipping children with knowledge about the vital functions of forests is essential for conserving natural resources for future generations. This begins with reinforcing environmental education programmes that ignite curiosity about the natural world, ultimately nurturing ecologically literate citizens capable of ensuring the sustainable management of our environment, including forests. Inspiring children from an early age builds an appreciation of forests and encourages them to explore careers that benefit society and the environment. The new FAO publication caters to nations and jurisdictions interested in expanding forest education among primary-school-aged children. It offers guidance for decision-makers, educational authorities, and institutions seeking to introduce forest education into their curricula, existing school programmes, and informal education settings.

More information and the Guidance are available at:

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