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A member of UEF is elected at Bureau of the United Nations Forum on Forests UNFF18-19.

Wednesday, June 29 , 2022 1358

The UEF member Ismail Belen, secretary of the Chamber of Forest Engineers (OMO) of Turkey was elected as a member of the Bureau of the eighteenth and nineteenth sessions of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF18-19).
UNFF17 adopted important decisions on: (i) implementation of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests, (ii) monitoring, assessment and reporting and assessment, (iii) means of implementation, and iv) the preparations for
the midterm review of the International Arrangement on Forests (IAF). A copy of the agreed omnibus resolution of UNFF17 is attached for your information.
The UNFF17 omnibus resolution provides the basis for intensive intersessional activities in preparation for the eighteenth and nineteenth session of the Forum.

Mr. Bellen will have an important role for the organization of the of UNFF18 and UNFF19.

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