EU DG Climate Action is asking European citizens opinion regarding the Climate topic
Wednesday, June 17 , 2020 3914
UEF is happy to inform you about 3 citizens' consultations related to European climate policy.
Please have a look at the information and feel free to participate, giving the foresters' opinion to the Commission.
The new European Green Deal sets out how to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050.
Alongside government policies and regulation, there is a role to play for citizens, communities and organisations in all sectors of our society and economy.
The European Climate Pact aims to give citizens and stakeholders a voice and role in designing new climate actions, sharing information, launching grassroots activities and showcasing solutions that others can follow.
Open public consultation on the European Climate Pact
DG CLIMA first opened a consultation on the European Climate Pact (open until 17 June).
As this initiative aims to engage all parts of society in climate action, the aim is to gather views from a broad range of people and organisations across the EU – from national, regional and local authorities to businesses, unions, civil society organisations, educational institutions, research and innovation organisations, consumer groups and individual citizens.
The consultation does not require climate policy expertise and allows all kinds of respondents to bring in their experience, ideas and suggestions for shaping the Climate Pact.
The inputs from the open public consultation will be used to shape the Pact ahead of its launch.
- Public consultation
- European Climate Pact
Open public consultation on the EU’s 2030 climate ambition increase
As part of the European Green Deal, the Commission will put forward a comprehensive plan to increase the EU’s 2030 climate target in September this year.
The plan will propose to increase the EU’s current 2030 target of at least -40% greenhouse gas emission reductions to at least -50% and towards -55%, compared to 1990 emission levels.
The Commission invites all stakeholders and citizens to submit views on the EU’s 2030 climate ambition increase and on the action and policy design necessary for deeper greenhouse gas emission reductions (open until 23 June).
Open public consultation on the EU’s strategy on adaptation to climate change
Climate change impacts are here and now.
Global and European temperatures have repeatedly broken long-term records in recent years, and the impacts on people, planet and prosperity are already pervasive.
The recovery from the current crisis will be an opportunity to make our society more resilient.
Through this consultation, the Commission invites all stakeholders and citizens to submit views on the EU’s new strategy on adaptation to climate change (open until 20 August).
The UEF Presidency
Related documents:
EU climate consultation 2020.pdf
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