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Next UEF summer students workcamp in Poland 9-20 July 2018

Thursday, March 29 , 2018 6991


The new UEF students summer camp will be organised in cooperation with the Polish State Forests National Forest Holding, the Union of European Foresters and the Polish Association of Foresters and Wood Technologists (SITLiD). The camp will be located in the middle west of Poland in the Antonin Forest District (The Lasy Rychtalskie Promotional Forest). We invite students to take part in practical forestry activities in the biggest EU forest national holding, to exchange the knowledge and experiences, to get to know each other and strengthen international cooperation.


The Polish hosts will provide participants with the accommodation in an inspiring place in the Antonin Forest District. The historical buildings have been recently renovated and adapted to a dormitories with enough space to host 15 students. The rooms include bathrooms and kitchens.

Alongside work in the forestry districts, participants will get experience in forestry practice, as well will take part in field trips to get to know the culture and history of the region. The area is located in the park, close to the wooden-hunting palace which was built in 1826, as well as near by the Antonin Forest District office. The organizers will arrange bicycles, as well as the bonfire place for the meetings in the evenings. The alimentation will include 3 meals per day.


UEF will select 15 students to participate in the camp. We would like to select as many students from different countries as possible. Thus the number of the participants coming from one country will be limited. In order to register participants shall fill in the registration form, which is available here.

UEF will support financially some students in terms of accommodation costs. The programme starts at 9th of July. We kindly ask the students to arrive either to the Wrocław International Airport or to the Ostrów Wielkopolski Railway Station on Sunday
the 8th of July.

The deadline for the registration is 10th of June. (Registration form attached).

More information in the attached flyer presenting in details the workcamp.

The draft detailed program is also available here.


If you have any questions or comments do not hesitate to contact the Polish hosts.

Please send emails to:

Adam Całka- Head of the Antonin Forest Distirict,

Monika Kubiak- Specialist in the Pniewy Forest District,

Tomasz Maćkowiak- Specialist in the Regional Directorate of the State Forests in Poznań.


The UEF Presidency

Related documents:
59_Registration form.docx
Workcamp wer.pdf
Draft program of the Workcamp 2018.pdf

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